How to Hit New Revenue Highs, Get More Time Freedom & Enjoy Your Business

Get Personal Access to Todd Herman & His Team for Coaching, Guidance, Accountability & Making Your Business The Best It Can Be in 2024…

PRO: The 90 Day Year Coaching Accelerator

This invitation is not for everyone.

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RE: An exclusive invitation to be one of only 30 business owners
who take part in this intimate coaching cohort

From The Desk Of: Todd Herman

When I speak with business owners… they all tell me the same thing.

It doesn’t matter if they’re making six-figures…

Or seven.

They all say,

“I Just Need Some Help”

Because no matter what stage you’re in, whether it’s …

The “Ramp Up” Stage and you need help with:

Creating Consistent leads, customers and revenue

– Building the right Sales & Marketing systems for YOUR business and help you grow

Attracting more clients to build consistent, stable revenue

Differentiating yourself and your business/product from similar offerings in the market

Avoiding burnout from being involved in EVERYTHING

The “Build Up” Stage and you need help with:

Getting to the next level without risking your current stability

– Hiring reliable, talented team members who are committed to helping grow your business

– Getting some of your time back so you can do the things you WANT to be doing in your business

– Refining your marketing strategy to drive growth

– Creating Operating systems to free up your time for more strategic activities

There are thousands of courses and books about growing, running and managing a business… and tens of thousands of hours of content out there.

A lot of the content is really good, too.

There’s content on marketing, growth, systems, processes, team building, leadership, productivity, personal development…

It’s endless.

And that’s the problem.

Because if you’re already overwhelmed, overworked and distracted…

More Content is NOT The Answer!

If it was, anyone could watch some videos or take a course, and it’d fix their problems.

But you and I both know that’s how it works…

Which is why this program, PRO, isn’t about “more”.

It’s about less…

A lot less.

Because after spending more than 19,000+ hours seeing first-hand what separates the ‘top performers’ from the ‘forgettables.’… the Olympians from the amateurs… the million+ dollar business owners from the ones who burn out at six-figures…

I’ve discovered peak performance in business and life, and getting to the next level isn’t about more more more… harder harder harder…


It’s about removing, deleting, and subtracting…

And executing on the few things that matter.

Which is the same core concept I’ve used to coach multi-million dollar business owners, elite level athletes, and some of the most successful performers in the world.

And it’s exactly what we want to help you do in the…


An Intimate Coaching Program With Todd & His Team to Help You Design A Business You Love, Get Back Your Time, And Hit Revenue Numbers You’ve Always Wanted!

PRO is our highest rated coaching program (customer satisfaction rating) in all of our companies.

It’s where entrepreneurial leaders come to execute on a growth plan that’s right for them.

This is NOT About More Content!

There’s not 40 hours of video modules to go through.

There’s not “new systems” that take months to set up.

There’s not a ton of time-wasting recordings or actions you need to take.


It’s an Action-Based Coaching Program

Over the next 90 days, my team and I will help you get clear, coach you, and hold you accountable to our unique 3-phase growth system designed to…

Simplify your business model so you can grow with less stress.

Build consistency in your weekly routine so you can escape burnout, and create more flow in your week.

Transform yourself into a disciplined, hyper-focused entrepreneur who leverages STRATEGY over hustle.

And when you have an entrepreneur with a simple business model that consistently executes with a smart strategy, there is no way to predict the level of success they can rise to…and I’d love that to be you.


Phase 1: Unpacking to Get Clarity

Phase 1 is self-paced, and kicks off immediately upon enrolling in PRO.

It’s all about diagnosing, and understanding where you are right now.

Because just like athletes change strategies depending on the sport – whether it’s basketball or skiing – you need to adjust your business approach to match your situation.

So in this phase we’ll help you gain a deep awareness of your strengths, weaknesses, and who you are as a person. And then lay it out in front of you using our business performance diagnostic.


You’ll complete our 5 Pillars Assessment™️ so we understand what your business looks like right now and where you want to take it in the next year and beyond.

Phase 2: Building a Personalized Plan

Next, you’ll use what you learned in Phase 1 to build a business game plan RIGHT for you.

During this phase… here’s what’s happening:


You’ll use our 90 Day Year Framework to define your focus goal. From there, you’ll establish the key project(s) or initiatives to achieve your goal.


Following our proprietary process, you’ll map out the project plan, so there aren’t any surprises and you can attack your projects with confidence.


Imagine having a one-page map of what your business model ACTUALLY looks like, so you can see gaps, weaknesses, or strengths to double down on! That’s what our ‘5 Fits Framework’ is all about. If you’re not confident you know EXACTLY what you should be focused on right now… this framework will deliver that confidence.

Phase 3: Focused Execution with Accountability, Coaching & Feedback

Phase 3 kicks off on Monday July 8th…

This phase of the program is where you’ll not only get expert performance coaching on:

– Ensuring your daily activities are aligned with your goals,
– Finishing projects and preventing burnout from initiatives that will take too long, and
– Experiencing the freedom of a week with focused priorities.

You’ll also be coached, on what you completed in Phases 1 & 2. So that your simplified business model and goals are truly setting YOU up for success.

[This is what truly separates the Pros from the Amateurs in business. And why this program attracts real high achievers.]


Every Monday, our Head Coach, Dave, facilitates this live session. During this call, you’ll define exactly what your focus is for the week, in alignment with your 90-day goal. You’ll talk through the strategic decision-making process, actually make a strategic decision, and then begin executing on that strategy.


Every Wednesday, you’ll jump on a live call with Dave, report progress and get coached on anywhere you’re getting stuck. Whether you’re struggling with inconsistency or lack of discipline… or need tactical or strategic help on creating the proper systems… we’re here to help every step of the way.


Every Friday, you’ll report your KPIs to Dave through our coaching platform. Dave will review, celebrate your wins, and help you evaluate what to focus on next.


Once a month, Todd will facilitate a live coaching session to help you through your biggest mindset and leadership challenges.


David Cooper

Dave will be hosting the WEEKLY Live Group Clarity, Coaching, and Accountability sessions.

CFO and consultant to multiple 7, 8, and 9-figure businesses. Has coached 1,000s of people in implementing Todd’s 90 Day Year Program and the principles from all of Todd’s programs and books.

“I’m not here to teach you a ton of content you will forget shortly after and never implement.

I’m here to help you focus on the role and activities that your business needs from you. I don’t add to your list of things to do. I actually concentrate on subtracting – the key to Peak Performance.”

Todd Herman

Todd will be hosting the Monthly Live Mindset & Leadership Calls.

Peak performance coach to professional and Olympic athletes and leadership advisor to two self-made billionaires, Fortune 100 Executives, members of the Spanish Royal Family and extraordinary entrepreneurs.

“I’ve clocked over 18,000 hours on the field of play working one-on-one with people from all backgrounds and circumstances to develop an impenetrable mindset.

I know the mental performance game better than anyone. My execution, mindset strategies, and systems are used by ambitious people to do tough stuff.”

“Dave, Todd and this programme changed the way I look at business, the way I work in my business and helped me realise the kind of leader I want to be. Don’t sit on the fence… jump in. You won’t regret it.”

Jennifer CairnsFounder. Brand Evolution Academy

This Simple 3-Phase Structure Is Why Entrepreneurs in PRO Feel Like They’ve Unlocked a New Level of Business and Personal Confidence…

“Before I joined PRO, I was working really, really hard to get my business to the next level. And yesterday, I actually got a yes from an investor of $1.5 million! And this means that I can actually relax and enjoy Christmas with my family and not work every day.”
-Marcus Starkensjӧ

Read About Marcus' Experience Here

“October was my biggest sales month ever! A year ago, the number that I got in October, had been my quarterly goal. I exceeded that in a single month.”
– Dawn Prickett

Read About Dawn's Experience Here

“I now just focus on three things every day. And when I’m done, I have free time where I can go out and I can golf, I go for a walk, I can get my workout back in, I can watch a movie if I want to. I wasn’t doing that two months ago. I was sitting at my desk from 8am till 8pm just grinding and that’s unsustainable.”
– Ted Vickey

Read About Ted's Experience Here


To get instant access to the ‘PRO Coaching Program’, just click the button below. After your purchase is complete, you’ll be given access to our Private Members Area where the entire journey to a high profit, high enjoyment, and high leverage business begins. We’ll see you inside!


I was struggling to get my business to the next level. I was working seven days a week, 10-12 hours, I was really tired. I was running in new directions all the time. And it I felt like I was going in circles all the time. And it was really, really frustrating.

I started to approach investors and got a yes from an investor of $1.5 million. This wouldn't have happened without the program, because as I said I was working really hard, but I didn't have a clear model. Because of PRO and the coaching from Todd and from Dave, I got clear on it.

Marcus StarkensjӧFounder of


✅ The Business Performance Diagnostic

“If you don’t know what needs fixing, how will you grow?”

When I start working with athletes, we review all their game film & carefully track their training routines to find areas of improvement. This allows us to create a custom game plan designed to maximize their results and performance.

We’ll do the same for your business inside The Business Performance Diagnostic.

This will help you:

– Uncover aspects of your business that will have the biggest impact to your bottom line.

– Gain insights into your strengths & weaknesses to identify the most efficient and fastest path to growth.

– Highlight the exact priorities and projects to focus on next, giving you and your team extreme clarity and focus.

(Value: $1,000)

✅ The 5 Fits Framework

Anyone can be “productive” and get things done… but doing the RIGHT things, at the RIGHT time is the secret to growth.

Which is why with this simple framework , we’re going to help you create a one-page map of what your business model ACTUALLY looks like, so you can quickly see gaps, weaknesses, or strengths to double down on!

This training will allow you to:

– Get crystal clear on your target market and messaging, so your marketing resonates and cuts through the noise & competition in the market.

– Simplify your product and service offerings, and remove the complexity of your delivery or fulfillment without sacrificing quality or the amount you charge your clients.

– Get laser-focused on your main marketing channels, so you can get maximum return on your activities, and reduce the chaos.

With your marketing, delivery, and business model designed around YOU and your unique qualities… you’ll be setting yourself up for more success, with less stress.

(Value: $2,000)

✅ WEEKLY Live Group Clarity, Coaching, and Accountability sessions (2-3 sessions per week) with our Head of Performance Coaching, David Cooper:

Monday Priority Planning Call, so you can stay on target, get important work done, and stay away from busy unprofitable work,

Wednesday Support Call, so you always have a dedicated place to get strategic questions answered, or talk through a decision,

The incredible support from a seasoned 90 Day Year Performance Coach like David, with 35+ years of business experience, is BY FAR what ‘PRO’ Alumni have raved about the most.

(Value: $3,000)


✅ BONUS 1 – Monthly Live Mindset & Leadership Calls with Todd Herman

– One simple tweak in your mindset, seasoned advice on a better strategy for you, or a simple shift in the way you execute can have a $10,000/$50,000/$100,000 impact on your business.

(Value: $3,000)

✅ BONUS 2 – The Sports Performance Approach Lesson Series

– Want the prescription to get you, your team, and your business into ‘flow state’ or the zone? Well, this bonus course will give you the 8 Principles, and how to use them as a tool to guide decision-making, get out of a stressed-out cycle, or create perpetual growth in a predictable way.

(Value: $1,350)

✅ BONUS 3 – The Pro Playbook

– Detailed self-assessments so you build YOUR business, not mimicking the playbooks of others (you don’t even know are enjoying their own businesses.)

(Value: $150)

✅ BONUS 4 – The Complete 90 Day Year Performance System

90 Day Year is our flagship program that 1,000s of people have gone through and achieved amazing things with. I’ve used this system myself to grow five different businesses (two were sold) over the past 25 years.

It’s helped me become an Inc. 500 Fastest Growing Company founder (#372), Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, and win awards for ‘World’s Top Leadership & Skill Development Program’—TWICE!

And when you join PRO today, you get 90 Day Year for free, so you can apply it in your business, and scale to 6, 7 or even 8 figures, faster than you ever felt possible.

Even if you’re prone to procrastination, perfectionism or distraction – simply follow and apply the steps outlined in each module and you’ll experience a new level of confidence and momentum to drive your business forward.

(Value: $1,000)

NOTE: If you already own the 90 Day Year, reach out to for your coupon code to save on PRO.

So, in summary that means you can…


And get personalized coaching from my team and I, all designed to…

Simplify your business model so you can grow with less stress.

Build consistency in your weekly routine so you can escape burnout, and create more flow in your week.

Transform yourself into a disciplined hyper-focused entrepreneur that leverages STRATEGY over hustle.

This is done through WEEKLY Live Group Clarity, Coaching, and Accountability sessions (2-3 sessions per week) with our Head of Performance Coaching, David Cooper

PLUS, you get…

✅ BONUS 1 – Monthly Live Mindset & Leadership Calls with Todd Herman
✅ BONUS 2 – The Sports Performance Approach Lesson Series
✅ BONUS 3 – The Pro Playbook
✅ BONUS 4 – The Complete 90 Day Year System (or PRO coupon for 90 Day Year Alumni)

Total Value = $11,500

3 monthly payments of



“Having Dave’s eye on my weekly activities , keeping me on track, and challenging my assumptions, helped me bring in more income in the first 6 weeks of the program, than the previous 6 months combined.”

~ Kaeleya Rayne

A one-time payment of



“Before I joined PRO, I was working really, really hard to get my business to the next level. Yesterday, I got a yes from an investor of $1.5 million! I can actually relax and enjoy Christmas with my family and not work every day.”

~ Marcus Starkensjӧ

See How 'PRO' Has Transformed So Many Entrepreneurs...

Watch the videos below to hear directly from other business owners what they experienced in just 90 days.

“I made more money in the last six weeks than I did in the last six months. Because I just took a whole bunch of action. PRO is such a powerful program with a ton of support.”
– Kaeleya Rayne

Read About Kaeleya's Experience Here

“I secured three new clients ($12,000 in revenue). I’ve also got multiple people that are in my pipeline, that I expect will enroll once I open up my program again. Plus I’ve got two clients who have now involved me in their own multimillion-dollar real estate deals.”
– Shane Melanson

Read About Shane's Experience Here

“I’ve been in Pro for a year now. The business model has changed, the business itself has changed, I have changed. Leading up to this last quarter, I decided to take the leap of faith, when I was asked to be part of a book series. That book, it’s only been out about 12 weeks is already in six countries, 26 bestseller lists across six countries.”
– Jennifer Cairns

Read About Jennifer's Experience Here

“I really needed that check up from the neck up routine. I’ve generated more revenue in the first quarter than I did in the whole of last year.”
– Deb Hann

Read About Deb's Experience Here

“My e-commerce business is in the Scale Up stage. Our revenues have really been increasing, but I was looking for ways to scale without me having to work 24 hours a day. I had a lot of incomplete projects and was really looking for accountability among a small group of like-minded people.”
– Jacquelynne Steves

Read About Jacquelynne's Experience Here

“For the last couple of months, my business was really stagnant. I felt I was right at a point where I had to make decisions and go to the next level. It was good for me to have some help and coaching. PRO gave me more focus and clarity. I now have more clients and better clients.
– Johannes Link

Read About Johannes' Experience Here

I was ready to get out of Ramp Up stage. And this was the perfect solution. It was the accountability. It was the motivation. It was the coaching. It was community, it was everything that I was looking for...
When I don’t know what to do, or when I sort of muck up a little bit, I have support waiting for me to review it, and to question what went wrong, what went right and to pivot to a path that is the best path for me.

Kristina ShandsFounder of

“Major wins have been, you know, really more confidence with clients, more competence in mybusiness. I’m clear on what I want my business to look like moving from being a freelancer into running a business. Stepping into that CEO role has been a huge win for me because I always consider myself a freelance writer, and sort of acted that way. And so that’s a huge win!”
– Kristina Shands

Read About Kristina's Experience Here

“I was really stuck and was struggling with trying to transform a one-on-one, hands-on consultancy into online courses and programs. For me, the keys in PRO were supportive accountability, action-taking and not just getting more content to watch/go through.”
– Jennifer Cairns

Read About Jennifer's Experience Here


No question is too big or small. Read through some of the most common questions that we get asked below. If there’s something we haven’t covered, please reach out to us via email, so we can help you make the best decision.

What's the difference between PRO and 90 Day Year?

90 Day Year is a training program. PRO is a coaching program.

Training helps to transfer knowledge and expertise into your world.

Coaching helps to enhance knowledge/skills through direct application.

Our 90 Day Year system is a training program, giving you all the component parts to start achieving more, by wasting less time on too many projects, strategies that aren’t meant for your stage of business, and indecision. It’s a multi-award-winning program, and most everyone in our ‘Pro’ program has been through it.

‘PRO’, is a coaching program with far less ‘learning/training’ and more action, accountability, and encouragement. The growth in PRO is more immediate. We help you set weekly priorities based on your business model, your stage of business, and your goals.

Our goal is to help you build a business you love showing up for.

If you are:

  • Up against some sort of barrier or ceiling,
  • Feeling trapped or drained by the business you’ve built,
  • Overworking and the business is not performing at the level you’d like to be, or
  • Unclear about the priorities you should be working on to hit that next level of business growth…

…then PRO is a great option for you. We’ll work with you to clarify your business model, map out your priorities and projects, and keep you accountable to your big, hairy audacious goal.

Plus, when you join this cohort – you get the 90 Day Year course included in your purchase either way. So it’s a no-brainer.

How familiar do I have to be with the training inside 90 Day Year?

You don’t. While it definitely benefits any person that uses the system, it’s not a focal point of the program.

Is it ok to do PRO before 90 Day Year?

Absolutely! And more than 28% of people in the program didn’t go through 90 Day Year beforehand.

Who is PRO for?

This is for you whether you’re in the “Ramp Up” Stage and need help with:

  • Creating Consistent leads, customers and revenue
  • Building the right Sales & Marketing systems for YOUR business to help you grow<
  • Attracting more clients to build consistent, stable revenue
  • Differentiating yourself and your business/product from similar offerings in the market
  • Avoiding burnout from being involved in EVERYTHING

Or whether you’re in the “Build Up” Stage and need help with:

  • Getting to the next level without risking your current stability
  • Hiring reliable, talented team members  who are committed to helping grow your business
  • Getting some of your time back so you can do the things you WANT to be doing in your business
  • Refining your marketing strategy to drive growth
  • Creating Operating systems to free up your time for more strategic activities

How long is the program?

90 days, although many of our members renew again and again as it proves to be one of the most valuable and game-changing investments made in their business.

If you want to stay in the program beyond 90 days, you’ll have an opportunity to renew your membership at the end of the first 3 months, at a lower renewal rate.

When does the coaching program start?

As soon as you enroll! You get instant access to Phase 1 of the program as soon as you enroll in PRO.

What is included in the program?

Phase 1 is a self-paced phase designed to set you up for success in the rest of the program.

It’s all about understanding where you stand in your business journey.

Just like athletes tailor their strategies to their specific sport, you’ll need to adjust your business approach to fit your unique situation. This phase helps you gain a deep understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and personal attributes, laying it all out with our business performance diagnostic tool.

After that is Phase 2. Using the insights from Phase 1, we’ll show you how to create a tailored business plan. Here, you’ll map out your business model with our ‘5 Fits Framework,’ providing a clear one-page view of your operations. This framework helps you identify gaps, weaknesses, and areas to capitalize on, giving you the confidence to know exactly what to focus on for optimal success.

You’ll need to get both these phases done the first week you join (don’t worry, it doesn’t take long).

Phase 3 begins on Monday, July 8th, and is all about putting your plan into action with expert guidance. You’ll receive performance coaching from myself and our head coach, Dave, to align your daily activities with your goals, complete projects efficiently, and avoid burnout.

And the end result is more revenue, more time freedom, and finally enjoying your business.

What time are the weekly calls?

The Leadership Coaching Calls with Todd typically occur on the third Thursday of each month at 4PM London/11AM New York/8AM Los Angeles.

The Monday/Wednesday calls happen at 2PM London / 9AM New York / 6AM Los Angeles (12AM Sydney).

There’s a possibility we may open up a second call time in the afternoons, if needed to accommodate the different time zones of the cohort.

There is no obligation to be on every call. With the way our system is designed, you can also log your activities in the system we’ve prepared, and our head of coaching, Dave, will get back to you in the system.

You can do a combination of asynchronous (participate on your time) and synchronous (participate on the scheduled calls.)

But the more you join, the better.

How much personal attention can I get?

This is a group program, with small 30 people or fewer‘ Cohort Groups.’ Personal attention is delivered during accountability calls (twice a week), support calls(once a week), and the community group (open 24 hours/day, and responded to during a 9-5 CST schedule.)

If you feel like you need a lot of personal attention, we’d encourage you to enroll in PRO and add on weekly 1:1 private coaching with Dave, our Head Coach. This option is available during the checkout process below. But if personal attention is because of a need for personal issues, there are far more qualified therapists to help.

What kind of results can I expect?

I encourage you to check out the results business owners in our current and past cohorts have achieved in less than 90 days. You can check out their results here on this page. They achieved those results because they showed up, were coachable, and took action. If you’re fully committed to doing the work, you can achieve great goals with the tools and support we have for you inside this program.

The accountability is related to doing the right 'needle-moving' things for the business, correct?

Accountability is about aligning your actions, decisions, and thinking to A) Getting your business model right, B) Focusing on only the projects that will make that happen, C) Building the skills of.a strong leader and ensuring you don’t slip into old patterns.

What type of strategic help in terms of business model can I get?

We have the framework you pour your business ideas into, which takes care of 80% of the heavy lifting for your strategy. And through the calls and feedback provided in the group, you’ll get coached on refining it. If you’re uncoachable and think your idea is a winner, when it breaks the rules of business models, you’ll lose in this program.

How long is the program?

90 Days. You’ll be building MASSIVE momentum throughout the entire 90 days.

How does renewal in the program work?

Initial enrollment in PRO is for a 3-month commitment to ensure you fully dig into the program and its benefits and reach your initial goals.

Should you wish to renew, we will make that option available towards the end of your first round in PRO. Your renewal will be at a discounted rate from your first round.

How many people are you accepting into this cohort?

While there isn’t a set limit to the total number in this cohort, weekly calls will be designed to include 30 or less people per call.

I have a side-hustle business that's making me money on the side right now, would this be a good program for me?

Most likely, No. We only want people in the program that are committed to building a real business. We’ve found that ‘dabblers’, ‘side-hustlers’, and ‘testers,’ aren’t a good fit, because they haven’t fully committed to the venture yet. And because they haven’t fully committed they’ll ask a lot of questions, take up time on calls, and not execute, because their motivations are to simply make a little bit of money on the side.

We’re here to make tangible wins happen, finish off the project of defining the business model, and executing, period.

Todd’s original business back in 1997 was a side-hustle, for a few months, and he admits that he wouldn’t have been a good fit for this program. Or any, for that matter.

What if I have other questions not answered here?

If you still have questions, click here to send an email to my team. We want you to make the best, most informed decision for you and your business. Go ahead and ask away, so we can help you get the answers you need.

I had this idea that a 6-figure business was the top of the food chain in my industry. Last year, we did a little over $200,000. It was the first year that we ever broke $100,000. This year, after two consecutive quarters in PRO with Dave in my corner, we broke that $200,000 by the end of June. We’re on track to hit half a million this year!

Dawn PrickettFounder of

I made money immediately within the first five days. I paid for the program more than almost twice, simply because I took action.

Kaeleya RayneFounder of

3 monthly payments of



“Having Dave’s eye on my weekly activities , keeping me on track, and challenging my assumptions, helped me bring in more income in the first 6 weeks of the program, than the previous 6 months combined.”

~ Kaeleya Rayne

A one-time payment of



“Before I joined PRO, I was working really, really hard to get my business to the next level. Yesterday, I got a yes from an investor of $1.5 million! I can actually relax and enjoy Christmas with my family and not work every day.”

~ Marcus Starkensjӧ